- pencil
- apparel
- measure
- bag
- knife
- gimbal
- support belt
- scissors
- rainwear
- tackle box
- wear
- shoes
- light
- tairaba appear
- worm
- accessory
- disgorger
- box
- battery
- fish grip
- spool of thread
- cooler
- leader
- reel spool
- jig
- underwear
- blade jig
- egi
- plug
- life jacket
- lure appear
- sharpener
- drag checker
- pliers
- metal jig
- hook
- line
- reel
- rod
Cultiva Hooks in 2025 Serious about large fish!
Fun with the popular lure Big Bandit! Explained by Takashi Kamiyashiki! Tokyo Bay Big Bait Seabass Game
Sticks when the hook tip touches! Equipped with a thick wire diameter New size hooks for large fish. Vertical limit 6/0, 7/0
Don’t miss the short bite of slack-jawed bluefish, It does not miss the short bite of the slack-jawed bluefish, and once hooked, it holds the fish firmly! Single Hook Seigi Futoji No. 20, No. 23, No. 25
Ranbu for big sea bream Musou for quick hooking
A personal record of over 33.7 kg hit!
Firm hooking and quick avoidance of trouble!
Attack with special hooks & jigs/shortels
Yellowtail-class fish are hitting in succession with the arrival of the bluefish season! Jigging for Bluefish off Toba, Ise Bay
Have fun with the RED BACK series Deep Tai Mule of Genkai Sea
Slow rod for tuna CB ONE・BRAVER
Sano Hiromu style Yellowfin tuna capture off the coast of Mie and Owase “Tackle Edition”