- pencil
- apparel
- measure
- bag
- knife
- gimbal
- support belt
- scissors
- rainwear
- tackle box
- wear
- shoes
- light
- tairaba appear
- worm
- accessory
- disgorger
- box
- battery
- fish grip
- spool of thread
- cooler
- leader
- reel spool
- jig
- underwear
- blade jig
- egi
- plug
- life jacket
- lure appear
- sharpener
- drag checker
- pliers
- metal jig
- hook
- line
- reel
- rod
Responding to various fields and changing conditions Total of 5 types of NEW ENGETSU XTUNE
Finish it off with a fall! Jigging for Bluefish off Irago in Winter
Jigging for Red Seabass in the Middle and Deep Sea
Tackle selection by expert angler Yasuo Nishimoto -
New Discovery Rockfish Game
Offshore actual fishing. Jigging fishing off Izu-shichijima and Hachijojima. Targeted kampachi and yellowfin tuna.
Yellowtail-class fish are hitting in succession with the arrival of the bluefish season! Jigging for Bluefish off Toba, Ise Bay
Yasuhiro Akazawa and the planning and development staff reveal Engetsu Limited Development Story
Blade jigging rods are now available for full-scale jigging in early fall! Shimano Grappler Type Blade
Effective for vertical jigging with heavy-weight jigs! Drag Force bait model now on sale!
Have fun with the RED BACK series Deep Tai Mule of Genkai Sea
Slow rod for tuna CB ONE・BRAVER
Inherited the design concept of SALTIGA LJ Debut of light jigging rod Daiwa OUTRAGE LJ
Sano Hiromu style Yellowfin tuna capture off the coast of Mie and Owase “Tackle Edition”